New Events

Listen to This: Storytelling as Art and Tradition
1:00 PM13:00

Listen to This: Storytelling as Art and Tradition

  • Trueblood Performing Arts Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Washington Island Literary Festival 2019

We all do it. Every day, in fact. We tell stories. Your partner asks, “How was your day?” and you tell the story of your coworker’s unsuccessful attempt to fix the copier or how your 5-year-old discovered she loves grasshoppers. It is part of how we make meaning of our days, our lives. Oral storytelling is one of the ways we pass knowledge from generation to generation. It is how we understand where we have come from and where we believe we are going.

In this Creative Lab, we will explore how to tell a great story.

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Flash Nonfiction: Your Life in 750 Words or Less
2:00 PM14:00

Flash Nonfiction: Your Life in 750 Words or Less

  • 339 East Chicago Avenue Chicago, IL, 60611 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Workshop at the Northwestern Summer Writers’ Conference:

When writing about your own life, sometimes it can be hard to know where to start. What to include and what to leave out. In this workshop, we will look at the flash nonfiction form as an entryway into personal writing. Distilling things down into a few hundred words can help clarify what is important and this short form is something of a pressure cooker: insisting that the moment, language and imagery all intensify within the small space.

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7:00 PM19:00

NYC: The Adam Wade Show

Adam Wade (Comedy Central's Inside Amy Schumer, NPR regular), a staggering 20-time Moth Story Slam winner, has put together many of his winning heartfelt and humorous stories for this special monthly show. No two shows are the same. A different featured guest will start the evening off.

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Sunday Salon
7:00 PM19:00

Sunday Salon

I'll be joining the long running and wonderful series:


Sunday Salon Chicago offers the Windy City's tastiest prose each month. Drop on by their temporary location at the Celtic Crown 4301 N. Western Ave. Held the last Sunday of every month at 7:00 p.m.

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Truth or Lies
7:00 PM19:00

Truth or Lies

Truth or Lie is a Live Lit event which runs 7:00 p.m. the first Sunday of the month at Firecat Gallery in Bucktown (2124 N Damen Ave). The event features five to six story tellers spinning true or fictive tales and leaving the audience to wonder, truth or lie?

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