“Bittersweet, captivating, No Relation carries the burden of memory in elegant and seemingly effortless prose.”
Featured in The New York Times,
I Am Not a Mother. But I Am Something.
Shortlisted for the Stanford Libraries William Saroyan International Prize for Writing.
“In finely-wrought scenes as charged with meaning as images in haiku, Paula Carter tells the story of finding and then losing a lover and his two young sons. In retrospect, her separation from the boys appears to be the greater loss. For as the years tick by, she realizes that these stepchildren, although never fully her own, may be the only children she will ever have. Bittersweet, captivating, No Relation carries the burden of memory in elegant and seemingly effortless prose.”
– Scott Russell Sanders, author of Dancing in Dreamtime and other books
"Paula Carter is a dream of a writer, poetic and profound. Each of the seemingly quick essays that make up No Relation is its own little lightning bolt; I kept putting the book down to interrogate what had happened to my heart. She asks the big questions: what does it mean to be a woman, a mother? What makes up a family, an independent life? It gave me a part of myself I didn't know was missing."
– Megan Stielstra, author of The Wrong Way To Save Your Life
Reviews and Interviews
Iowa Review
The Rumpus Interview with Amy Danzer
Paula Carter in Conversation with Sadaf Ferdowsi on Punctuate
New City Review
American Microreviews
Pleiades: Literature in Context
Washington Island Observer
Speaking of Marvels Interview
Office of Modern Composition
University of Illinois Alumni Mag
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ISBN: 978-1-62557-981-2 Price: $15.95 Publication: November 2017